Healing Crystals: A Guide To The 45 Essential Gemstones
Since the beginning of time people have been turning to crystals to get their healing fix. These are the treasures of Mother Earth, glittering gems, stones and rock crystals born from elemental energy. In one shimmer, they can capture the sun, moon, salt seas, soil and mountains and they can transmute all that healing power back to us. Healing crystals have a long history — they have adorned the breastplates of priests and warriors, been used in shamanic service, have been guiding lights for ancient tribes, and have been stashed in the pockets of princesses, sailors, and healers.
In the modern world, these potent stones hold so much power. As time ticks on they only grow more potent and can be a hugely valuable asset for helping us to reconnect to the natural world. They help us to channel our intentions, raise our vibrations, and can bring out all that dormant grace, beauty and magic you already have stashed inside. Remember, everything in life holds a vibration and if we can match our inner vibrations to the things we want in this world, we may be able to manifest them into our lives. Crystals can help to bridge that gap with their cleansing potential and positive vibrations. These little glittering stones of magic also invite us to clear the mind, sit in meditation, and ruminate on how we can calm our monkey minds and step into deeper healing.
How Crystals are Formed in the Earth
Crystals go through an incredible geological process in the earth. The combination of heat, compression, and millions of years can do some incredible things!
How to Choose Your Stone
With so many crystals out there how do you choose the one that works for you? One of the most important lessons we can learn from crystal healing is to tap into our own intuition and go back to the gut. Our bodies and minds are inherently connected and are equally a part of this universe. If you want to know which crystal works for you, simply see which one calls to you. Even reading a short blurb about a crystal or looking at a picture – some will stand out and echo to you more than others. Take this as a sign from the universe that this is the crystal that can gift you something special. We also usually know a little about our own strengths and weaknesses, and we can use the specific traits of gemstones to help balance us out and work on the areas we feel we need a little extra help. If you feel really overwhelmed and at a loss, you can also use your Zodiac sign to help guide you towards a crystal that can bring you luminous light and huge healing properties.
How to Use the Stones
One of the best ways to bring crystals into your daily life is through the pretty power of jewelry. Having gemstone jewelry is a really simple way of ensuring you keep in close contact with your chosen crystal and it is able to do the work it needs. Unlike stones placed on an altar or stashed in the pocket, crystal jewelry has the benefit of being directly placed upon the skin, allowing all those vibrations to sink right in.
The 45 Essential Stones to Choose From
Purple hues and high protective powers make Amethyst one of the most divine and spiritual healing stones. An amazing meditation tool and made for those who want to leap higher.
Best used for: Protection against fear and feelings of guilt, instilling calmness, alleviating anxiety, and pleasant dreams
Find out more about Amethyst
Sunny bright and ready to wake you from slumber, Citrine radiates health, wealth and sloughing away toxic vibes. This stone is unable to hold bad energy, a firm reminder that when life gives you lemons…
Best used for: Grounding negative energy, aiding in smoothing family or dynamic group problems, promoting love and happiness, and guarding against those who would break your heart. Also used as an emotional shield against spite and jealousy.
Find out more about Citrine
Rose Quartz
Perfect in pink and providing deep sweet healing to the heart chakra, Rose Quartz is for those who are ready to restore trust, harmony and unconditional love back into their inner world.
Best used for: Healing emotional wounds, cultivating divine love, improving compassion & friendships
Find out more about Rose Quartz
Like donning a cloak of protection, Tourmaline brings strength, diminishes fear, and balances the right and the left side of the mind. Pick your favorite hue from pink to green and even watermelon colored.
Best used for: Creating a healthy digestive system, making stronger bones and teeth, and increasing self-confidence. It's also said to attract prosperity and connect us to a more compassionate disposition.
Find out more about Tourmaline
Clear Quartz
As pure as the spring rains, Clear Quartz is all about powerful cleansing. This quartz crystal will drench you to the bone with its positive vibes. Boost your immunity and follow your bliss with one of our favorite healing crystals.
Best used for: Supporting professionals in the artistic community, musicians, those who work in media fields, and doctors. Useful in the treatment of migraine headaches, vertigo, or motion sickness.
Find out more about Clear Quartz
Spirituality and light shine through the angelic healing crystal of Selenite. Ethereal and filled to the brim with goddess healing energy, it’s the perfect talisman for protecting against PMT and bringing your cycle into harmony.
Best used for: Amazingly, Selenite can be used to clear other stones by laying them on top of a Selenite slab. It also connects very strongly to the third eye and other chakras and helps to purify their energies. It's sort of an energetic master healer!
Find out more about of Selenite
A lava stone born from the fire of a volcano, Obsidian is raw, rare and ever ready to lend its healing protection to all who wear it. Whether in tough times or on a daily basis, it’s one of the best shields you could wish for.
Best used for: Protecting against negative energy. Obsidian is actually thought to absorb it, and even block things like psychic attack. Use this stone during tough times or situations.
Find out more about Obsidian
Light up your libido and overcome personal challenges with the warm glow of Carnelian. A sublime strengthener of the root and the sacral chakras, Carnelian invites you to speed up.
Best used for: Stimulating the metabolism, aiding menopause, and improving concentration. In its shade of red, it's fantastic for balancing the sacral chakra. Carnelian was also thought to help protect the dead on their journey in the afterlife, hence it helps remove the fear of death.
Find out more about Carnelian
The earthy stone comes to us all the way from the ancient days of Babylon. Known for being a healthy and wealthy healing amulet, Agate is all about balancing the negative and positive forces of the wider world.
Best used for: Harmonizing polar opposite energies, self-confidence, protection while traveling (particularly traffic accidents). Pairs well with dancers, dentists, and environmentalists. Provides emotional support for educators and recreational workers.
Find out more about Agate
Lapis Lazuli
A firm favorite with ancient civilizations, Lapis Lazuli has long been connected with the spiritual enlightenment and deep self-expression. Strengthen your immune system and get ready to harness your personal power and truth.
Best used for: Harnessing wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, creativity
Find out more about Lapis Lazuli
For those who struggle with decision making, Fluorite invites you to climb down off the fence. This stone is known for its earthly guidance, ensuring both the head and the heart know how to co-exist in harmony.
Best used for: Clearing a confused mind. This is such a great stone for determining your life path, which is often overlooked in the chaos of the everyday. Also terrific for stimulating the third eye.
Find out more about Fluorite
Black Tourmaline
A shield against the negative effects of EMF’s, Black Tourmaline is exceptionally grounding and has the super strength of cleansing toxic vibes and bringing back purity to the body, mind and soul.
Best used for: Protection against negative energy and EMF's, staying grounded, decision making, and reducing feelings of depression and anxiety.
Find out more about Black Tourmaline
Inner strength and confidence is the gift bestowed upon you by the silvery grace of Hematite, looking like a falling star, this strong and powerful crystal can shield you from negative energy and help you extend your safety boundaries.
Best used for: Intuition & mental clarity, blood circulation, willpower, & courage
Find out more about Hematite
A conductor of energy and always ready to take out negative vibes, Kyanite is a great shifter of emotional blocks and always aiming to keep good vibes in free flow.
Best used for: soothing frayed nerves, finding confidence in self expression, connecting to others, and dream recall.
Find out more about Kyanite
An amplifier of all the luck in the world, Aventurine is amazing when it comes to attracting good luck and bringing perfect prosperity into your life. Connected to the heart chakra it also harmonizes the physical, emotional and spiritual side of being.
Best used for: Boosting leadership qualities, embracing change, and enhancing motivation for creativity. Gives healing support for cardiac conditions, circulatory problems, and those recovering from surgery or illness.
Find out more about Aventurine
Forever worn by shamans, high priests, and kings, this stone is known for helping you to feel deeper and see further. What’s more, Jasper is ever ready to help you ground down and fly high at the same time.
Best used for: Alleviating stress, promoting tranquility, deepening focus, and banishing harmful or negative thoughts. Thought to lend support emotionally to strengthen self-discipline and promotes grounding energies.
Find out more about Jasper
A stone so strong it emits sparks - Pyrite is one of the best shields to use against EMF’s and all shades of negative attacks. Full of masculine energy this is the Achilles of the crystal world.
Best used for: protection against bad energy and psychic attacks, raising confidence levels especially in leadership roles, cutting out negative thought patterns, and clearing the lower chakras.
Find out more about Pyrite
A stone of stunning transformation, Labradorite is best used for balancing the chakras, protecting the aura, and dispelling depressive vibes from your life. Sink into sublime consciousness with this shimmering starlight stone.
Best used for: times of transformation and finding your inner courage. This stone is also an amazing motivator, a great tool for communication, and for those who want to find their deeper purpose.
Find out more about Labradorite
Illuminate the way with the bright magic of the Moonstone. An amazing stone for new beginnings, this can be your amulet for adventures of both the heart and the body. Also known for igniting inner power.
Best used for: Healing the feminine nature we all carry within us. It's also great for that time of the month, and highlights the power of clairvoyance and intuition.
Find out more about Moonstone
The guru of good luck, Jade is synonymous with attracting prosperity and wealth and also being a fabulous addition to your Feng Shui. Joy and harmony run rampant in the cooling touch of Jade, making it a must for those who want good things to flow towards them.
Best used for: Protection against illness, releasing negative thoughts, cultivating harmonious relationships
Find out more about Jade
Humming with high vibrations, Celestite is a calming stone said to be connected to higher realms. One of the angel stones, this pale crystal is used for meditative contemplation and brings guidance from the universe.
Best used for: High vibrations, clearing away anger and negativity, connecting with the spirit realms, nurturing inner compassion, tapping into infinite wisdom.
Back in the middle ages, the Bloodstone was rumored to be the blood of Christ's tears. Whatever spiritual side you stand-in, the Bloodstone is a beautiful healer known for its ability to boost circulation and send your self-esteem soaring.
Best used for: As its name suggests, Bloodstone is often used for blood ailments, such as anemia and poor circulation. In India, it's used as an aphrodisiac. Also great for self-esteem and intuition.
Find out more about Bloodstone
Endless ocean shades, an amazing ebb and flow and bringing instant calm to the heart, this watery stone is known for balancing tranquil vibes with a jolt of energy. Plunge right in, as Aquamarine entices you to swim not sink against the changing tide.
Best used for: emotional balance, clear-headed communication, inner contemplative space, moments of change, inner resilience
Find out more about Aquamarine
Smoky Quartz
Let the gentle fog of rest and relaxation seep into every inch of your soul with sublime Smoky Quartz. A glorious grounding stone, Smoky Quartz is known for its ability to counteract all stress and keep you soft and strong at the same time.
Best used for: Grounding, amplifying positive energy, EMF protection, balancing the root chakra
Find out more about Smoky Quartz
Personal truth and deep wisdom sit at the heart of calming Chrysocolla. For those who want to amplify their voice, tap into their creative side, and find a bright burst of courage when it comes to public speaking, this stone can help.
Best used for: Stimulating the throat chakra is at the top of this list because it helps us to communicate more effectively. It also strengthens the overall vibration of health and is great for teachers.
Find out more about Chrysocolla
Tiger’s Eye
The golden stone that shakes off the shackles of anxiety for both the body and the mind, Tiger’s Eye is amazing at making you cut out the self-doubt so you can make decisions from a place of clarity.
Best used for: Courage, focus, prosperity, protection
Find out more about Tigers Eye
All rosy hues and gentle vibes, Rhodonite is a stone that fills the heart with as much goodness as it can handle. If you need balance and healing after a major event, this soft natured stone can help you find home.
Best used for: Finding balance after a major loss, coming out of grief, or relieving heartache in general. It's wonderful to use if your goal is to learn love yourself again.
Find out more about Rhodonite
Gorgeous in green, Malachite is one of the heart chakras favorite stones. Get help breaking bad ties, up your protection against EMF’s, and find good luck and prosperity in both business and play.
Best used for: Strengthening the immune system, travel, treatment of travel sickness & vertigo
Find out more about Malachite
Nicknamed the Poets Stone, Sodalite has the energy of a crashing wave filled to the brim with creativity. Up your communication, bring forth your brightest truth, and let logic and inner peace pave the way for a life that lights up.
Best used for: Courage, wisdom, and harmonious relationships with loved ones.
Find out more about Sodalite
Ruby red and splashed with a fiery spirit, the Garnet is a stone of glory. Let your heart chakra burst open, warm the soul, and recover a sense of vitality that can become lost over time.
Best used for: Creative powers, stimulating metabolism, reducing toxins, providing strength in challenging situations, and cultivating balanced energy.
Find out more about Garnet
The Courage Stone of Amazonite invites you to find that inner strength to live up to your complete strength in a way that doesn’t exhaust the emotional soul. This is a great stone for clearing out traumas that can get locked in the body bringing you right back into a healthy harmonious balance.
Best used for: overcoming trauma, battling self-destructive behavior, learning how to be comfortable in your own skin
Find out more about Amazonite
The ancient blue copper-based stone of Azurite enhances intuition and brings yin yang harmony into your heart. For those seeking a return to that child-like spontaneity, this is a stone that invites you out to play.
Best used for: connecting with celestial energy, cutting out people pleasing behavior, finding inner strength, clearing the throat chakra
Find out more about Azurite
The lyrical stone of Iolite is connected to the third-eye chakra and all about bringing forth your inner strength and being the leader you were born to be.
Best used for: detoxing unhealthy behavior, nurturing independence, and encouraging new healthy ways of thinking for the body, mind, and soul
Find out more about Iolite
The crystallized limestone gem of Calcite is full of bright and bursting vitamin D. Get dosed up on good energy as you turn to this stone to up your creative and sexual prowess.
Best used for: amplifying energy, building emotional intelligence, positive thinking, and raising motivation and energy.
Find out more about Calcite
The dual action power of Apatite brings beautiful social ease and calm communication when it comes to the emotional self. Physically it works as a tonic to strengthen the body.
Best used for: effective communication, manifesting a positive reality, creative thinking, and problem solving.
Find out more about Apatite
Time to kick out insomnia and to get your ambition back on track with the airy elemental stone of Howlite. An aid for artistic expression and deeply calming, Howlite is divine inspiration.
Best used for: calming the mind, cutting out anger, finding purpose, and balancing calcium levels in the body.
Find out more about Howlite
Pure to the look and powerful to the touch, Kunzite helps to knock down those barriers you have built around your heart and soul. Also used to treat hormonal migraines and to recover from painful memories.
Best used for: hormonal balance, healing the emotional heart, and building a life of prosperity
Find out more about Kunzite
With the sheen of a pearl on rainbow fire, the Opal is a dream to behold. Known for bringing loving positive vibes to the party and for lending spiritual light to your aura, this is a full spectrum stone of healing.
Best used for: raising cosmic consciousness, clearing out bad vibes, independent thinking, and inspiring creative minds
Find out more about Opal
With a name meaning scale in Greek, Lepidolite invites you to restore balance across every angle of your life. It helps build awareness in the body and the mind, giving you the knowledge you need to flush out toxicity from your life.
Best used for: reducing anxiety, clearing the chakras, embracing positive change, and staying balanced.
Find out more about Lepidolite
Get connected to all the higher realms by welcoming the ethereal energy of Angelite into your world. Quiet the spirit, sit in openness and humility and let your inner self show you the way to heaven.
Best used for: raising spirituality, soothing the soul, dispelling anger and fear, connected communication.
Find out more about Angelite
Vibrate in the energy of love with Apophyllite. Always ready to lend its light touch to a heavy situation, this crystal works to clear the mind and body of negative debris.
Best used for: connecting to nature, calming nerves, cleansing the body and mind of negativity, healing emotional wounds.
Who doesn’t want a little extra light in their life? Sunstone soothes the soul and radiates warmth to every corner of your being with its healing vibes. A natural compass used by Vikings to navigate the seas - this stone helps you find your way.
Best used for: bringing energy to the chakras, finding your true path, independent thinking, and living a life filled with luck and good fortune.
Find out more about Sunstone
Love and affection ride high when it comes to the shimmering gemstone of Topaz. Calm your temper, dispel all shades of poison from your life, and absorb fever with this higher living stone.
Best used for: Shifting migraines, inner balance and avoiding overwhelm, raising concentration levels, and unblocking the throat chakra for clear communication.
Find out more about Topaz
How to Cleanse Stones & Jewelry
Whichever healing crystal you choose, be sure to look after it with love, intention and all the light you can muster. This is to be your amulet, your talisman, and your soul's companion no matter what the world has to throw at you. Keep your crystal jewelry cleansed and recharged, especially after particularly heavy moments in life. A simple rinse with warm soapy water can be enough to unclog trapped energy. If you want to keep your stones recharged and riding high in their fullest most fabulous power, leave them out in the moonlight, let them have a few minutes of sun, or even place in the rain so that nature can work its magic.
A Final Thought
Whether single stone or wrist rattling with gemstone bracelets, bringing healing crystals into your life can be hugely rewarding. We all have work to do and we can all benefit from balancing out the emotional, spiritual and physical sides of our being so we can step out of the shadows and into the light of our most authentic selves.